Vanajavesi Adult Education Centre

Vanajaveden Opisto (VOP) is an adult education center. The purpose of VOP is to offer education based on lifelong learning and equality. The education is voluntary, open and accessible to all. The main building is at Jaakonkatu 28, Hämeenlinna, but courses are also available in other locations in Kanta-Häme region.  

VOP offers courses for a fee on many different subjects such as arts and crafts, music, languages, Finnish for foreigners, digital skills, dance and sports. The primary language of teaching is Finnish, but many teachers also speak English. 

Vanajaveden Opisto also offers integration education and education for reading and writing in collaboration with the TE office. 

Office is open Mon–Thu at 1–4 pm. Call: +358 3 6581 800 or send email:

Instructions for enrolment

on the net or by telephone +358 3 6581 800.

Be prepared to provide the following personal information: name, personal number, place of residence, address, telephone numbers, any e-mail address, educational background (primary / secondary / tertiary level) and your main activity currently (employed / unemployed / student / pensioner / other).
Upon enrolment, you agree to pay the course fee. The invoice is sent to your home address. The course fee is not refunded if a student leaves off the course.

What You can study
More information in other languages
Finnish for foreigners – suomen kieltä ulkomaalaisille

Sivua päivitetty 24.1.2025 kello 14.44