For Applicants
About Vocational Education in Finland 

Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Finland is designed to be hands-on and flexible, offering three levels of qualifications: Vocational Upper Secondary Qualification, Further Vocational Qualification and Specialist Vocational Qualification. Further Vocational Qualifications and Specialist Vocational Qualifications require prior education and work experience. Often, these qualifications are pursued through apprenticeship training.

Tavastia Vocational College provides vocational education primarily in Finnish. A good command of the Finnish language is required. The level of Finnish needed varies by qualification and program. We will assess your Finnish language skills during the application process.

We offer various training options including labor market training, self-motivated studies, apprenticeship training, and preparatory education for vocational upper secondary education and training (TUVA). The application process differs depending on the type of education. You can find more information in Finnish here or contact us at

You can choose the training that interests you the most from many course programs conducted in Finnish or update your know-how with additional education in your current trade. You can study full-time or while working. Many students come to us to develop their skills frequently during their career.

Personal Competence Development Plan – HOKS 

A personal competence development plan is drawn up for each student. The plan is drawn up by a teacher or a guidance counsellor together with the student and sometimes with a representative of working life.

The plan charts and recognises the skills previously acquired by the student and outlines what kind of competences the student needs and how they will be acquired in different learning environments. The plan also includes information on the necessary supportive measures.

Study Fees 

Students do not pay fees for initial vocational qualifications. During compulsory education, students get learning materials and meals for free. They can also get financial help for travel and accommodation costs if needed. Education in Vocational Upper Secondary Qualificationis free of charge. For higher-level qualifications, there may be a fee. Full-time students can apply for government financial aid and loans.

When to Apply? 

You can apply to VET whenever it suits you and start at different times of the year. Tavastia Vocational College has specific application periods for each qualification. Each spring, there’s a national joint application for recent basic education graduates without a secondary qualification. The aim is to ensure every young person has a chance to continue their education. 

Every student gets a personal competence development plan made with a teacher or counsellor, sometimes with input from a workplace representative. 

How to Apply? 

You can apply from abroad, but please note that courses at Tavastia Vocational College are mainly in Finnish, and there is no grant or scholarship system. Our dormitory is for underage students already living in Finland. We are planning to start education programmes also in English. You will find learning possibilities here.

We provide initial, vocational, and specialist qualifications, plus various supplementary and continuing education options.  

The application process depends on the education form and level of the qualification. For more details in Finnish, please visit: Tutkinnot ja koulutukset | Ammattiopisto Tavastia | Koulutustarjonta | Hae! ( and Perustutkinnot | Ammattiopisto Tavastia | Ammatillinen koulutus ( 

For Finnish-language education programmes the applications must be filled out in Finnish. If you need help with the application process, you can contact Ohjauspiste

Further information on vocational education in Finland:  

Finnish education system – OKM – Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland 
Finnish VET in a Nutshell

Sivua päivitetty 27.6.2024 kello 14.09