Glassblowing – Basic working skills in glass workshop and mould-blowing

Koulutus alkaa: 5.8.2024

Glassblowing –  Basic working skills in glass workshop and mould-blowing

Koulutuksessa suoritetaan kaksi tutkinnon osaa taideteollisuusalan perustutkinnosta

  • Tuotantoprosessin suunnittelu ja toteuttaminen taideteollisuusalalla 15 osp
  • Tuotteen valmistaminen lasinpuhallusverstakossa 45 osp

Koulutus toteutetaan englannin kielellä tuettuna.


Start a journey towards the art of glassblowing with our basic vocational training program. You will be engaged in two key competency units, contributing to 60 credits (15 + 45 credit points) towards the 180-credit Vocational Qualification in Arts and Design. This program is taught primarily in Finnish, supplemented by English to support your learning experience. Our hands-on training takes place in the well-equipped glass workshop of Tavastia Vocational College, located in Nuutajärvi glass village within Urjala municipality. Expect immersive contact teaching sessions four days a week, from Monday to Thursday during the day.

The course is tuition-free, although commitment to completing all required competency demonstrations throughout the course is mandatory.

Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. It’s important to consider that glassblowing involves strenuous physical activity and requires effective teamwork. Please be aware that accommodation is not provided as part of this program.

As part of your application, we request a personal motivation letter written in English, which will help us understand your passion and commitment to the craft of glassblowing.

We will be sending out invitations for Teams interviews to prospective students at the end of May 2024.

Description of studies

  • Planning and implementation of a product process in the arts and crafts sector, 15 cp
    During your studies you are acquainted with the learning environment and how to maintain it. Great emphasis is put on work safety. This is the basis for further learning. You will learn the basic steps of how to gather hot glass from the glass furnace with a bit-rod, how to make droplets and how to deliver small bits of glass. You will learn how to use the most common hand tools through tweezing, pulling, and necking hot glass. In addition, you will learn how to use thicker gathering rods and how to gather slightly larger amounts of glass. You will learn blocking and papering hot glass as well as making a paperweight. Introduction to sandcasting and making small figurines is included. You will learn how to plan and document your work. Problem solving skills, teamwork and using professional vocabulary are an important part of everyday learning. During this study unit we make an excursion to a glass factory/studios/glass museum. Towards the completion of the unit, you will plan and implement a glass production process with the techniques and skills you have learned, and you will show your competence in an evaluated situation.
  • Product making in a glassblowing team, 45 ECVET competence points
    During your studies in this unit, you will deepen your teamworking skills. Continuous work safety, maintaining the working environment, and efficient working skills are emphasized. You will learn how to gather hot glass with a blow pipe and how to blow a start bubble. When the basis for glass blowing is learned, you will continue learning how to gather glass on the start bubble and how to form a blank for mould-blowing and how to blow both in a static-mould and in a turn-mould. In addition, you will learn basic skills on coldworking glass. This unit includes theoretical studies in material knowledge and in the history of glass. During this unit you will continue to document your working and towards the end of the studies you will show a portfolio of your learning process. The competence demonstration is held as a teamworking situation in which you show your skills as part of the glassblowing team.


Koulutus on maksutonta.


Nuutajärven lasikylä, Nuutajärvi

Lisätietoja antaa

Marika Kinnunen

Opettaja, lasiala